Wednesday, December 24, 2008

If You Revamp It They Will Come...The Field December 2008

Here is a picture of the current state of our "yard".

Tell me I am strange (it wouldn't be the first time), when all this snow started to fall one of the first things that crossed my mind was being glad the field had been seeded, mulched and "put to bed" for the fall.

As I don't really have a baseball field in my back yard (I do however have a full batting cage with the works in my actual back yard) I have referred for the past few years to the Sam Brewer Memorial Vet's Field in Yelm, Washington as our "yard". Why? My husband assumed management of the field three seasons ago and we spend more time there working on that grass, combing the infield and anguishing over holes in the outfield than maintaining or being concerned about our own yard.

It still amazes me one league had exclusive usage of this field for nearly 20 years and the condition the field was in when my husband took over management was abysmal. Since my husband took this project on there has been a total upswing in the revitalization of this field. And, it would be very unfair for me to not clarify there are many others in our baseball circle that have given hours upon end to this field... Thanks to Farmer's Insurance and the Seattle Mariners this field was deemed the worst in Washington state in 2007. Because of that distinction a $10K grant was awarded to the field to revitalize the field and make it safe and playable for the kids. Embarrassment and pride aside admitting our kids had been playing on one of the most unsafe and run down venues in the state that grant was the shot in the arm the field needed.

This past year was the first year the field could be used to host tournaments. And, it was neat to see it take a life on of its own... The fresh paint on the dugouts, crisp white chalk lines defining the refurbished boundaries and festive bunting decor blowing in the breeze really gave the field a new purpose and validation. The tournament coaches started calling the field the "Classic Field". Being there on a warm day really does bring out the nostalgic feel of the neighborhood baseball field.

For now, the field is taking a well deserved break, as are, if you are out there Shoeless Joe and want to take a walk on the field, go right ahead. I would rethink the "shoeless" part though...


  1. I love looking at baseball fields and imagining the memories...the players...the cheers. And, now it is sleeping until next season!

    Play Ball! :)

  2. Sounds like quite an adventure for y'all! Great blog!

    (MIJ here from PWO!)

  3. Why did I know that if I went to your blog it would look just like this.... You are too funny
